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Remote Access

How to Provide Remote Access and Maintain Security

More and more, companies that offer system optimization, remote repair, and other such services need remote access to your computer system in order to do their jobs. As it should, this gives pause to most prospective customers. How can you be sure that someone with remote access won't try to tamper with your system, either right away or later on?

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to ensure that you don't jeopardize your IT security when you allow remote access. The first of these is to make sure that you are dealing with a reputable company. Don't give access to just anyone who claims to do system optimization, but instead, verify their legitimacy first.

Next, set up a special one-use password for the remote IT tech. As soon as the work is done, delete that password from the system. Also, if you need to download a remote access software for the remote session, uninstall it after the work is complete.

Finally, keep your anti-virus software active during the work. This will help to prevent the installation of anything that could be used against your system later on. Be very wary if the tech tries to tell you that your anti-virus software has to be off in order for him or her to do system optimization. That is almost never necessary.

By taking these steps, you can allow an IT tech to have remote access to your system while maintaining good security. Then, you can avoid the need to take your computers somewhere to be fixed, or to have a technician come out to your business to work. You'll be glad to save the money and time, without having to worry about security problems.

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